Privacy Policy of Mathematical Run

We do not collect, disclose or sell any user data.

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Full policy

Personal Data processing

General Information

We consider the privacy of our users, especially that of children, very important and since our applications are aimed primarily at children, we do not collect, disclose or sell any personal data from users who use our applications and our games.

The authorizations required by the games are for the exclusive use of the functions offered by the games themselves (e.g. access to local memory is used to save data on the device) and none of these has the purpose of explicitly or implicitly acquiring personal information. Therefore our apps do not collect any personal user data. All the data stored by the games reside within the user device and if the app is deleted all the data saved in it is lost.

The only non-personal information collected concerns the user's nationality and/or language spoken. Italian players can also provide the school they are enrolled in. In all these cases this information DOES NOT represent personal data and there is in no way the possibility of tracing the user's identity. They are data collected anonymously. Similarly, the creation of the user account in our multiplayer system (mainly used for the rankings of the results of the new Special Games) occurs completely anonymously and the IDs associated with the users are generated server-side without the use of any data related to the user and/or device.

The sharing of results of some games for the leaderboards and achievements is limited exclusively to the use of the mechanisms offered by the relative operating systems in which the apps are installed (Apple GameCenter and Google Play Services) and the data of their accounts are managed outside of our games. Again, none of this personal information is stored and/or reused by us.

Contact information



Other details

Additional information

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom.

© EagleTap